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1:02 p.m. - 2003-10-28
I think I'm in an episode of neighbours...
I left Byron Bay a few days ago, The Arts Factory was cool. My last night of camping was there and it rained. There was a storm which lasted for 6 hours. On Saturday morning I packed up but left my tent pitched up. I don't need it anymore, so I left it for my neighbour Matt. I don't know if he wanted it, but I'm long gone from there anyway.

So, I got a bus from Byron to Taree - a 7 hour journey and Nick picked me up. It was a very dramatic ride to Gloucester, there was a big storm down here too and I thought we were gonna get struck by lightning. I was very stoned from a spliff Nick gave me. I was off my head, I think it was hydro and I was excited to be back anyway, telling Nick about my adventures. He told me about his exploits with the new WWOOFer from Canada - Emily. She is only 18! I'm relieved that I don't have to go there again. He's being really cheeky though, flirting with me behind her back and snuggling up to me, including pretending he was in bed with me when his friend and occasional employee Andre turned up yesterday. Andre is this 19 year old who Nick told me would probably try and get me in the sack. He is up from Sydney for a kayaking job. Nick is out bush for 3 days with Prince Harry apparently (to be confirmed!) and Andre is staying here. So I was curious to see what he was like and when he showed up I thought - not bad. Wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crisps and all that. I saw the look that Nick gave him too as if to say 'don't try anything' - he's quite protective or possesive like that. So Andre pops out to see a friend and comes back later in the evening and we get chatting, easy to get on with. He's complaining about his back and I know exactly how the evening is gonna pan out. Massage etc....! SO he asks me for a massage about half an hour after dinner and I oblige, all the while the other WWOOFer Sang Gil from S. Korea is here too, slightly annoying. Of course a little bit later I get one in return. One thing leads to another and we end up in Brian's bed. I feel bad, but Andre doesn't want to sleep in Nick's bed. I find out later that Nick's charade worked and Andre really thought we were in bed together when he showed up!

We're just having a bit of fun, I think we'll keep it secret for the time being if we can. I'm glad we hit it off, I was feeling really miserable yesterday because no one would tell me who the secret client was and having secret talks and Emily was more or less avoiding me. I was a little bit miffed that she was going out bush and I was getting left behind. But now I know its only Prince Harry out there, I'm glad I stayed here. I can sleep in and relax without Brian breathing down my neck telling me I'm dizzy, or a pussy or whatever. I hope he doesn't find out I slept in his bed. Someone (the girlfriend of Andre's brother) came in the room this morning and was on the phone to someone and saying that 'yes there was one body in the bed with lots of hair.' I hope she wasn't talking to Brian, I think he was trying to get her to wake me up. She didn't want to. I think he'll be cool about it. I'm gonna wash his sheets just in case.

Is this all really sordid? The whole thing is a bit of a soap opera, Brian will rip the piss out of Nick if he finds out. I think Nick is gutted he has two girls here at once, and he can only have one. Emily accused Nick of being a WWOOFing slut, after Brian told her about me. He even has my nude photos on his wall. Its a bit of a spinner...

I think I will get a lift down to Sydney with Andre on Friday and we are gonna go out on his uncle's yacht and go fishing! One thing I've wanted to do in Australia and haven't got round to.



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