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6:34 p.m. - Friday, Dec. 15, 2023
The stand up went well!
The stand up went well. People laughed! I didn't bomb! I even got a small applause for one punchline.
I wasn't nervous and I was lucky because there were a lot of 'civilians' there that night rather than just comics (which was what I was expecting) so I got a true audience reaction. I went 5 minutes over time though and the host had to interrupt me to tell me to get on with the Cup of Shame part, which is where each comedian has to read out a mistake an audience member has written down. I was so close to the end though so I carried on with my joke. I recorded it so I know what I have to change, I've rewritten it a bit, I have to include a brief explanation of what Esperanto is because half the audience didn't know what it was and I do a long joke about that. I have to speed up my delivery because I was tired and didn't want to mess up any lines so I was taking my time, but too much. I fluffed one joke a bit but not the punchline thankfully, so I am doing another 4 mins on Sunday with another host which is a good test to make me trim down my material and deliver it faster, though it's gonna be a challenge. Hopefully I can go over 30 seconds at least. It's so hard to time it because 5 mins at home easily turns into 10 mins on stage, especially if people laugh. You need to give them time.

It was an interesting experience and I'm glad my first time is over. It felt different to what I expected and I thought I would feel more elated afterwards but I just felt satisfied that I had done pretty well considering it was my first time. My best compliment was from another new comic who said "you're a smart lady, I like your jokes because you can't see where they are going" which of course was my intention.

I'm kinda sick of the whole thing already though. I've been seeing so much comedy and staying out so late and seeing the same people. It's not a healthy lifestyle. But I want to check out all the clubs so I have an idea what I am getting into if I am invited to perform.

I need a break from it all! It's very intense and time consuming because you are just thinking about your set all the time and rehearsing it. basically I am very competitive and want to be the best. Only because I think it wouldn't be too hard to be the best in Madrid.

I can see myself doing it intensely for a couple of months and then just giving up. Especially once I get a job again.



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